Strategic Plan
Beliefs and Values:
-Diversity will be reflected in all aspects of our work.
- We support partnerships in the community.
-All our stakeholders are treated with respect and integrity.
- We believe in teamwork and empowering those we serve.
- We provide a safe and supportive environment.
S.W.O.T. Analysis
- Fundraising strategies
-Partnerships & community
-Experience, longevity, facility & leadership
-Contingency plan for pandemic
-Existing board and its flexibility
-Visibility & respect in the community
-Employment opportunities & quality of life for our participants
-Participants, staff & volunteers
-Professional development
-Networking with Directions Council for Vocational Services Society and its member agencies
-Pre-retirement services for participants
-Paid employment in the community for participants
-Creation of another social enterprise off-site
-Wellness grants & other grants
-More outings for the participants and more inclusion in the community to help develop their future strengths
-Additional volunteers for music, art, & recreation for the participants
-Volunteer appreciation tea
-Post cards to acknowledge donations & the creation of a database of supporters
-Possible development of new entrepreneurial opportunities
-Underutilization of volunteers
-Underdevelopment of participants' potential
-Cleanliness of space and contingency plan for building
-Lack of equipment to support programs
-Building is not totally accessible
-Decrease in funding and closure of local businesses
-Difficulty finding paid and/or permanent employment for participants in the community
-Lack of money to meet our aspirations
-Possible liability concerns
-Decrease in textiles and household donations
-Decrease in customers using the laundry services
1 / Community Integration
We strive to integrate our participants into the community as much as possible, as well as bring the community into the Bridge Adult Service Centre
a. Seek strategic partnerships in the community to support the BASC and participant growth and development through employment, volunteer work, financial support, and public relations.
b. Identify participants and develop customized strategies to optimize their success in integrating into the community.
c. Involve the community in fundraising events and volunteer work with the BASC.
d. Provide information to participants regarding community events.
We will know we are there when:
- Two or more strategic partnerships are established with community organizations.
- The number of participants working or volunteering in the community is maintained or expanded.
- The community participates in 3 fundraising events a year.
- There are volunteer presentations which include: art, crafts, and music 5 times a year.
2 / Participants first
Everything we do is based on the best interest of our participants – supporting them to achieve their fullest potential in a holistic manner and to take in consideration for their physical, emotional, social, and spiritual wellbeing. We aspire to offer program flexibility in that participants are doing what they want.
a. Offer to rotate participants through Departments in the building to optimize participant experiential learning to achieve their fullest potential.
b. Annual Individual Program Plans (IPP) for all participants continue to support personal growth and development.
c. Reduce the participant waitlist using space freed up by participants spending more time in the community.
d. Expand our building and programs to accommodate the growing need for people with intellectual disabilities.
e. Advocate for people with disabilities between the ages of 18-21.
f. Implement the Participant policy manual.
g. Ensure participants are receiving appropriate individualized supports.
h. Focus on staff development through learning opportunities to improve their skills and grow their knowledge and careers. Learning and development will become part of the organizations culture to help improve staff engagement, increase retention, and attract elite candidates.
We will know we are there when:
- Individualized daily schedules are developed for 75% of clients in year
- Individual Program Plans (IPPS) are visited annually to ensure goals are achieved and supports are in place to create new goals.
- Participants wait list is reduced by 30% by year 2.
- Plans are in place for building and program expansions.
- Pre-Retirement Services are in place for participants.
- Participants are connected to outside services.
- The participant policy manual is being utilized.
3 / Value for Money
We aspire to ensure the highest quality of services for our participants while ensuring a positive financial climate.
a. Ensure financial sustainability by:
- adhering to financial controls and accountabilities.
- accessing external funding where possible to maximize programming for participants in the community and at the BASC.
b. Create a positive workplace for staff, with ongoing feedback, open communication and opportunities for learning and growth.
c. Develop a long term Capital Plan with annual strategies to address:
- Optimization of space.
- Exploration of potential expansion.
- Plans in place for replacement of equipment and furniture.
- Building safety and emergency measures.
d. Develop and implement Standards from Directions Council.
We will know we are there when:
- Actual expenditures are within budget.
- Annual fundraising goals met.
- Succession Planning and talent management strategies are in place.
- We have 1 corporate sponsor.
- Revenue generated from the social enterprises match or exceed revenue prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Individual staff development plans to improve their skills and knowledge through online training, to help increase retention and attract elite candidates.
4 / Community Connections
The Bridge Adult Service Centre embraces all individuals. Reaching out to all community members of diverse backgrounds and experiences to bring different perspectives to the organization making for a more well-rounded population.
a. Explore and learn more about our community by participating in events and activities.
b. Increase the visibility and awareness around the organization to help foster community engagement through social media, newspaper, and networking.
c. Community connections allows our vulnerable population to connect and learn more about culture, history, and government systems.
We will know we are there when:
-Participate in one multicultural event per year. Ex. Celebration of National Indigenous History Month- Indigenous song, dance, drum, and storytelling.
- Develop a questionnaire to complete with participants to get feed back on topics of interest to discuss around community and culture.
- Three guest speakers have come into the facility from the community for multicultural education purposes to encourage open-mindedness and dispels negative stereotypes.